Acceleration/Speed/Agility/Footwork/Balance Training
These exercises/drills are a SAMPLE of what you get access to with the New Wave Soccer Conditioning Program. Click on the blue video buttons to view the videos for these exercises/drills.
Acceleration Drill ::: Resistance Belt Explosive Acceleration
Using a resistance belt with velcro attachment, accelerate out of the belt while driving your legs and arms as taught in the acceleration drills. Increase the amount of velcro resistance as long as you can run out of the belt in good form(do not bend at the waist).
Forward Speed Drill ::: Run/Slide Tackle/Sprint
Run 10 yards at high speed. Perform a slide tackle. Roll up off of the ground as quickly as possible and run out for 10 yards.
Multi-Directional Speed & Agility Drills ::: Box Drill Shuffle Advanced with Drop Step Cone Circles
Place 4 cones 6 yards apart in a box figure. Start at one cone and run forward to the next cone. Perform a drop step circle around that cone. Perform a shuffle step to the next cone. Perform a drop step circle around that cone. Backpedal to the next cone. Perform a drop step circle around that cone. Shuffle step to the original starting cone. Perform a drop step circle around that cone. Run diagonal to the next cone. Perform a drop step circle around that cone. Shuffle step to the next cone. Perform a drop step circle around that cone. Backpedal to the original starting cone.
Footwork Drill ::: Leg/Arm Switch with Lateral Movement
Stand at the end of the ladder with the right shoulder facing the length of the ladder. The left foot should be placed in the 1st space with the right arm forward. The right foot should be outside the 1st ladder space towards the rear with the left arm back. All movements in this drill are performed with minimal elbow and knee flexion. From the starting position switch arms and feet so that the right foot is now in the 1st space with the left arm forward, and the left foot is outside the 1st space with the right arm back. The next movement is to switch again by placing the left foot in the 2nd space, and the right foot behind that space outside the ladder. Continue to work laterally down the length of the ladder making sure that each foot lands in each space one time. Also, perform this exercise in the reverse direction leading with the left shoulder.
Balance Drill ::: Leg Balance-Foot Pass
Stand on the disc with 1 leg. Have a partner toss a soccer ball to your foot that is off of the disc. While maintaining your balance on the disc, make a foot pass with the ball back to your partner. This drill is a little more difficult than the other disc drills, so it might take some extra practice to master this drill. Try to complete 10-20 foot passes without falling off of the disc. Perform 2-3 sets and alternate legs between each set.