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When is the best time to start implementing a strength & conditioning program?

The best time would be during the early part of the off-season for those who participate in soccer competition during part of the year. However, a strength & conditioning program can be started any time during the off-season at least a few months before pre-season. For those, who are involved in competition and club team participation throughout most of the year, it is best to start during a month when there is no requirement for soccer activity or very minimal participation. This will allow the body to better handle the stress of strength & conditioning training during the early part of the program.

If I use just one of the components available with New Wave Soccer Conditioning will it improve my abilities as a soccer player?

Using just one component will improve your abilities, but keep in mind that these components are interdependent on each other. For example, while speed drills are used to improve one's speed, resistance training also plays a crucial role in improving one's speed by enabling the athlete to apply greater force against the ground. Therefore, only using one or two components will not enable athletes to reach their maximal potential as a soccer player. It is okay to spend a little extra time on a specific component, which might be identified as an area of weakness for the athlete.

Can I expect the same level of improvement in strength & speed each year that I utilize a strength & conditioning program?

It is not likely that an individual would make the same increases in strength and speed 3-4 years after starting a strength & conditioning program. Every individual has a genetic ceiling to reach and the longer one trains, the closer one gets to that upper limit. When starting a program, the largest gains in strength & speed will most likely be made during the first year. However, professional/elite level athletes continue to train just as hard if not harder than when first starting out, since making just minimal gains in strength & speed often means the difference between winning & losing individual battles in a game. Being faster by just a tenth of a second in a 10 yard sprint could make the difference in making a successful play.

Why does New Wave Soccer Conditioning offer a specially designed resistance training program for soccer athletes who play competitively during most of the year?

If the year round soccer athlete utilized the same resistance training program that is used by athletes with an off-season, the large volume of repetitions and sets, along with shorter rest intervals between sets could lead to fatigue. The body would constantly be under the stress of high training volume, while still performing a heavy amount of soccer activity. A great benefit of the resistance training component for year round soccer players offered with this program is that the variables have been manipulated to allow the athlete to utilize a resistance training program, while still feeling fresh for soccer practices and games. It is still advisable to start your resistance training program during a 1-2 month period when there is no soccer activity or minimal participation.

What is the purpose of doing evaluation testing prior to starting a strength and conditioning program and on a regular interval basis(3-6 months)?

The initial purpose is to obtain baseline information on general physical parameters such as strength, power, speed, and endurance, along with biomechanical and physiological status of the athlete. This enables athletes to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses relative to the demands of a particular sport, and help in deciding which conditioning activities will optimize training. Ultimately, pre-assessment testing provides a guide for program design and implementation. Testing on an interval basis(3-6 months) will enable athletes to determine if improvements in their training levels have been accomplished and program objectives and goals have been achieved.

What is functional sports training?

Functional sports training involves training muscle groups and their respective areas of the body to work in a similar manner as used for a particular sports activity. Muscles and joints work together, not in isolation, therefore it is important to think in terms of training the movement as opposed to just the muscle groups. Sports require multi-joint, multi-plane, multi-directional movements therefore, it is important that functional sports training is transferable to the sport being played by the athlete.

Won't weight training make my body bulky and less flexible?

No, actually a properly designed weight(strength) training program will not only increase your strength, but will also improve your range of motion.

Free weights vs. machines-Why is this an important consideration for the athlete?

For athletes, performing exercises using free weights enables them to simulate the movement demands of their particular sport. Free weights will allow athletes to perform three-dimensional movements, and does not inhibit their movement pattern. Machines only allow for movement in a two-dimensional direction, and usually only work single joint movements at one time.

Is it possible to improve the speed of an athlete, who was not born to run fast?

Yes, although it is true that naturally fast athletes are born with a genetic predisposition, which provides physiological advantages such as a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers. However, most athletes with average speed can improve their running speed by following a properly designed speed development program. While, a slow athlete might not be able to develop the same speed as the fastest athletes on their team or in a particular sport, most athletes have not come close to reaching their genetic potential in running speed.

What is overtraining?

Overtraining occurs when the athlete uses excessive volume or intensity of training or both, which leads to fatigue in the body. Also, not allowing for proper rest and recovery will also lead to overtraining. The resulting condition is called "Overtraining Syndrome", which can manifests itself in a plateau or decrease in athletic performance. Overtraining that occurs from excessive volume and intensity during resistance training can be overcome after a brief period of rest and recovery. Overtraining for athletes performing endurance activities can take a longer period for recovery, which could be 5-6 months in severe cases.

How can I purchase the New Wave Soccer Conditioning Program?

Just click on the 'Sign Up Now' link below or in the left column of this page. A one time fee of $24.95 will provide you with permanent access to the program including all future additions that will be available.